I've got just over two months to finish writing my book chapter on maternal bodies in popular music and I've been thinking about space and the maternal/female form. Antony Gormley famously represents the interior and exterior spaces of bodies, but uses his own body as a template. He talks about 'the voided space of the body as a visible emptiness'. I wondered whether he ever thinks specifically about the female body - a sort of double void, a body with a womb - and how we might represent this doubled space. I'm interested in how he might approach the relationship between this visible emptiness and a concurrent emotional emptiness, and wondered whether a miscarrying body might be a particular embodiment that troubles our understanding of a single body, with clearly defined boundaries. I've written to him, to see if he might have a response to this.... I know he's a very busy man but I wonder if he will reply? Watch this space!!
Ooh, I hope he does reply. That would be very exciting.